about our family.
We are the children of God. Abba is our Father. God established family from the very beginning. It is in the context of family that we raise disciples and enjoy community. Seated sons and daughters mature to become mothers and fathers.
We are devoted to Jesus. Spending time in His presence is absolutely necessary to becoming mature sons and daughters. You cannot attain maturity through striving or works, all of our becoming more like Him happens in proximity to Abba.
We believe in Apostolic governing authority. Just as it was established in the early church by the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Evangelist. This order provides safety, nurturing, accountability, and healthy discipleship.
Honor means value. Every person deserves honor because every person has value. Honoring leadership, authority, and family is biblical and brings reward to those who practice it.
Everything we do, we do with legacy in mind! Legacy is the next generation, our children and our children’s children. We value building for the future and raising the next generation more than building our own ministries and name.
Who we are....
We are an Apostolic Revival Culture (ARC). Our foundation is Jesus, the life-giving Word of God. We have been apostolically sent and seated by our Apostle, Damon Thompson, in this region, to raise sons and daughters in beloved identity. We place a high value on family, devotion, order, honor, and legacy. We believe these are essential to a healthy kingdom family being established for the purpose of "on earth as it is in heaven."