The South Gate Global Missions
​" You are a Freedom Outpost that’s going to gather people that have a hunger to see revolution happen in the lives of people. And first in Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria, and then the
outermost parts of the world...."
The heartbeat of Heaven beats loudly to the rhythm of every tribe and tongue. It's the heartbeat of Love for each Son and Daughter.
It's the rhythm of the Kingdom.
This is the renewed rhythm of missions.
Benin, Africa
Ministering with The Hope Gate Church in Benin, Africa and working with the Sons & Daughters in the orphanage. Spreading the gospel in Voodoo villages
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Bringing hope to the ranches in Mombaca, as well as ministering to all in the streets.
The harvest is ready.....
It is our desire to provide short and long term mission trips to those who desire to go to the nations. Giving those who go, hands-on equipping and training in evangelism and missions. We have a genuine desire to establish lasting relationships with our brothers and sisters in other nations who are establishing Kingdom culture as well as missionaries all over the world. Since missions was birthed in our hearts, we have provided opportunities for many to go to the corners of the globe bringing this glorious Kingdom message we all desire to share.
- Pastor Jason Townsend
New Orleans, LA
Every year during Mardi Gras a team of passionate lovers of Jesus are taken down to New Orleans to love on the homeless, train hoppers, and lost. While the trip is full of wild fun, we see people get enfolded into the love of Jesus on Bourbon Street.